For the longest time...
I thought something might be wrong with me, I felt as though I didn't really belong. I was very isolated, lonely, and justified much of my erratic behavior as well. I gave my ego a place to thrive and allow it to make my decisions for me based on emotions I had no control over. I was a mess.
After one year
I have created and sustained a Podcast with 100+ episodes with guests such as Evan Carmichael as well as other Business Owners and a diverse group of various experts in fields all across the board! I've also
- Created a Network.
- Written and self published my own book.
- Got married in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
- Created a membership site
- Created a blog.
- Started a YouTube Channel.
- Helped inspire others content as well.
- Started a Newsletter
- Did my first webinar.
- Created my first online challenge/training.
- Created this course.
...and am now in the stages of building my Network even further as well as creating these courses to add to the mix.
The Reason...
I am expressing this to you guys is to show you what I've managed to do in the last year going from losing my family to marrying my best friend. It wasn't some secret trick or some hack for a better life, it was something much more sustainable than that.
It was a system of Gratitude. As in my book, Jericho's Journey, I discuss the three foundations and principles behind what I call Gratitude for Today. I believe in it because it changed my life.
So what this course will be discussing is these three principles in further details as well as give you a complete download of the video and the practices so that you can hold yourselves accountable until certain things become habit.
The goal is progress, not perfection. Enroll today!
Course Curriculum
Hi, My name is Sam IV
I am a husband, father, podcast host, author, content creator, and someone insanely passionate about the deeper questions. Unlock potential, figure out how to reach your goals, use relentless aggression to attack. I also wrote a book on utilizing cycles and patterned tactics to Gain Gratitude for Today, Momentum for Tomorrow, Energy for The World, Empathy for Others, and Awareness for Our Souls. Please follow my journey, keep up with the updates and feel free to share yours on any of my social media @smartineziv GoodVibes always.